Three friends, Santi, Ness, and Felix, embark on a trip to Miami, filled with...
Three friends leave their hometown in Florida to pursue reggaeton stardom in Miami.
Three friends leave their hometown in Florida to pursue reggaeton stardom in Miami.
Three friends, Santi, Ness, and Felix, embark on a trip to Miami, filled with...
Mia surprises Santi with an impromptu performance at a nightclub, while Felix...
Felix's artistic spark is ignited by a grocery store video shoot, while Mia a...
The crew attends an Art Basel party to secure new funding, where Santi encoun...
A sudden influx of cash brings both lavish benefits and hidden obligations, c...
International pop star Isa captures Santi's attention with her captivating so...
Mia makes a move to secure her first client at a high-energy party hosted by ...
The crew gears up for Isa's high-stakes New Year's Eve performance, while San...
Main Cast
Tainy, Na'vi and Making The Music