It's the year Future Century 60, when humanity has migrated to orbiting space colonies while leaving behind polluted Earth. To avoid war, the colonies organized the Gundam Fight as a tournament, with countries sending Gundams to battle across the entire planet for eleven months before final matches begin in the country that won the previous fight. This year, Neo Japan sent Domon Kasshu and his assistant Rain Mikamura to compete in the 13th Gundam Fight aboard the Shining Gundam. However, their mission is more complex than simply winning the tournament: they also have a separate task to confront and destroy the stolen Devil Gundam...
Mobile Fighter G Gundam
It's year 60 in the future - the world of Gundam Fight is born. The future has shifted away from our planet Earth, where environmental pollution threatens to destroy everything. Peaceful space colonies have arisen, but they're facing an existential threat: war. To safeguard their newfo...