An animated adaptation of the cooking-themed manga series "Mister Ajikko" (1986-1989) by Daisuke Terasawa. At age 14, Youichi Ajiyoshi has become the head chef of his family's restaurant that primarily serves working-class clientele. The businessman Genjirou Murata dominates the Japanese cooking industry and recognizes Youichy's exceptional talent in the field. He offers him a contest against experienced chef Yoshio Marui to determine who can prepare Italian dishes better, showcasing Youichy's prowess. Throughout the series, he faces various chefs and cooks in cooking contests or tournaments. Despite his pride, Youichy never backs down from challenges, even when it might be risky. The anime includes a subplot about Mitsuko Yamaoka, a part-time waitress who is romantically involved with him but unaware of his feelings for her due to his workaholic nature.
Misutâ ajikko
An animated adaptation of "Mister Ajikko," a cooking-themed manga series by Daisuke Terasawa (1986-1989),follows Youichi Ajiyoshi, who at age 14 becomes the head chef of his family's restaurant, serving mostly working-class clientele.