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Magic Kaito 1412

Kaito, a high school student, is passionate about magic, following in the footsteps of his father, a renowned magician with a secret identity as the Phantom Thief Kid. Tragedy struck when Kaito's father died in a sudden accident during a magic performance, leaving a lasting impact on the fam...

A high school student named Kaito is passionate about magic, and his father was a brilliant magician with a secret identity as the Phantom Thief Kid. Tragically, his father died in a surprise accident during a magic performance. Eight years later, Kaito discovers his father's hidden identity and suspects that his death may have been a murder. To uncover the truth, Kaito takes on his father's persona as the Phantom Thief Kid, wearing a silk hat and white cape.


Episode 2 Blue Birthday

2. Blue Birthday

Aired: Oct 11, 2014

When Kaito begins stealing jewels, he gets a mysterious call from someone tel...

Episode 3 Hustler vs. Magician

3. Hustler vs. Magician

Aired: Oct 18, 2014

Kaito learns his faithful butler was once a master pool shark that had a jewe...

Episode 6 Black Star

6. Black Star

Aired: Nov 8, 2014

Kid the Phantom Thief attempts a bold clock tower robbery in a building swarm...

Episode 8 The Adult's Charm

8. The Adult's Charm

Aired: Nov 22, 2014

Real magic comes back to haunt Kaito in the form of Akako. This time, the sor...

Episode 13 Stay Away from Him

13. Stay Away from Him

Aired: Jan 10, 2015

Kaito takes a break from thieving to go on his class ski trip, but when his t...

Episode 14 Crystal Mother

14. Crystal Mother

Aired: Jan 17, 2015

Kaito and Aoko are on a luxury train with the Queen of Ingram, her son, and t...

Episode 17 Green Dream

17. Green Dream

Aired: Feb 7, 2015

Kid's next target is Green Dream, the world's largest emerald and a one-time-...

Episode 20 Dark Knight

20. Dark Knight

Aired: Feb 28, 2015

Kid is pressured into teaming up with Nightmare, a masked criminal mastermind...

Episode 22 Red Tear

22. Red Tear

Aired: Mar 14, 2015

Kid's next target is Red Tear, a gem that belongs to the leader of a magic tr...

Episode 24 Midnight Crow Part 2

24. Midnight Crow Part 2

Aired: Mar 28, 2015

In this final episode, Kid goes up against the enigmatic Corbeau one more tim...

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Info about Magic Kaito 1412

Current Status: Ended

Network: YTV

Production Country: Japan

Genres:Comedy, Adventure, Crime, Animation