Leavenworth background


This controversial true-crime series investigates the inner workings of the military justice system, following ex-Army Lieutenant Clint Lorance who is serving a 19-year sentence at the U.S. Penitentiary in Leavenworth for the deaths of two local men in Afghanistan in July 2012.


Episode 1 Chapter One: Soldiers

1. Chapter One: Soldiers

Aired: Oct 20, 2019

[STARZ] Former Army Lieutenant Clint Lorance is serving a 19-year sentence fo...

Leavenworth Videos

Leavenworth | Official Trailer | STARZ

Leavenworth | Official Trailer | STARZ

Info about Leavenworth

Current Status: Ended

Network: Starz

Production Country: United States

Genres:Crime, War, Documentary