In a distant world of dating games, an antagonist named Irene Loren D'Autriche is engaged to Prince Cedric Jeanne Elmeier. At a lavish banquet, Cedric reveals he is in love with Lilia Rainworth, who is actually the game's protagonist. However, Ilene realizes her past as a fan of these games and understands the dire future that awaits her. Determined to change this fate, she sets out to defeat the game's final boss: the Demon King and Cedric's half-brother, Claude Jeanne Elmeier, by making him fall in love with her instead. Will Irene succeed in thwarting the inevitable conclusion?
1. The Wicked Heiress's Story Begins
Aired: Sep 24, 2022Aileen Lauren Dautriche's public denouncement is interrupted by a sudden reco...