The first episode of the topical satirical CGI comedy show which takes a biti...
The animated series brings to life the stories of legendary figures from various cultural backgrounds, exaggerating their experiences for comedic effect.
The animated series brings to life the stories of legendary figures from various cultural backgrounds, exaggerating their experiences for comedic effect.
The first episode of the topical satirical CGI comedy show which takes a biti...
Sketches this week included the OAP Action Heroes - (Harrison Ford, Sylvester...
Sketches in this episode included Dames Helen Mirren and Judi Dench adding to...
The Headcases sketches this week included Bono pleading for better postal ser...
Boris Johnson, the New Mayor of London, gives a very canine acceptance speach...
Sketches include President Ahmadinejad making another heartfelt plea to the W...
Fabio Capello tries to learn English, Victoria Beckham kills Piers Morgan and...
The final episode sees the old action heros battling Heather Mill McCartney a...