The TWC investigates legendary Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, site of the bloodies...
Haunted Towns
The Tennessee Wraith Chasers embark on a paranormal journey to investigate local hauntings across America in "Haunted Towns".
The Tennessee Wraith Chasers embark on a paranormal journey to investigate local hauntings across America in "Haunted Towns".
The TWC investigates legendary Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, site of the bloodies...
The TWC heads up to Salem, Massachusetts, to investigate the infamous witch t...
The TWC is in Georgia's oldest town to investigate hauntings in Savannah's in...
The Tennessee Wraith Chasers head down to Mississippi to visit the site of on...
The TWC heads West to investigate one of America's most prolific mining towns...
The TWC visits Cape May, New Jersey. Following the Civil War, did locals in t...
The Tennessee Wraith Chasers head up to Fall River, Massachusetts, and the si...
One of the deadliest train crashes in American history brings the Tennessee W...
Main Cast
Haunted Towns: "Gettysburg"
Seasons: 2
Current Status: Ended
Network: Destination America
Production Country: United States