Kenny tries to point Steve in the right direction when it comes to women, Mik...
The show follows the daily antics of a store's staff as they exchange witty banter with enthusiastic DIY customers.
The show follows the daily antics of a store's staff as they exchange witty banter with enthusiastic DIY customers.
Kenny tries to point Steve in the right direction when it comes to women, Mik...
Rex suggests that the appearance of the staff is driving away customers, Mike...
Mike and Anne talk about ways to put some spice back into their sex life, Rex...
Anne decides to build an ironing board by herself to avoid prostitution, the ...
Kenny tries to come up with the perfect way to sabotage the superstore, Julie...
Kenny insists on building something to donate to the local foster home, Rex r...
Main Cast
Hardware - Student
Lynsey Baxter - Hardware
Hardware - Hiding from Rex