In a small town with a strong anti-communist sentiment in 1962, three 12-year...
Granite Flats
Three young amateur sleuths investigate a small town's mysteries after a mysterious object falls from the sky and an Army base explodes.
Three young amateur sleuths investigate a small town's mysteries after a mysterious object falls from the sky and an Army base explodes.
In a small town with a strong anti-communist sentiment in 1962, three 12-year...
A massive explosion rocks the base, sparking widespread panic and Arthur team...
3. A Secret to the Heart Nearest
Aired: Apr 14, 2013The gang discovers the town's hidden secrets while the police chief delves in...
The next episode follows Beth as she attempts to bond with her son Arthur, wh...
Tensions rise as a botched class project puts friendships to the ultimate tes...
In the next episode, Arthur and his friends embark on a thrilling adventure, ...
Frank seeks Beth's assistance to validate his mental state, while Hershel rec...
John embarks on a mission to rescue Hershel from behind bars, while the child...
Seasons: 3
Current Status: Ended
Network: BYU Television
Production Country: United States