Freak Squad is sent to the island of Jarbala to find delicious Perry nuts, th...
Freak Show
The Freak Squad, a freak show by day, moonlights as a team of unconventional superheroes, working for the US government.
The Freak Squad, a freak show by day, moonlights as a team of unconventional superheroes, working for the US government.
Freak Squad is sent to the island of Jarbala to find delicious Perry nuts, th...
On their way to accept an award for their glaucoma research, The Hartsdales r...
Despite her outspoken liberal stance, the Bearded Clam finds herself falling ...
Freak Squad is sent to New York City to scope out an apartment for the Presid...
Freak Squad beams up to New Hampshire to take over a mission from Log Cabin R...
The Hartsdales choose to circumcise Primi while performing in a heavily Jewis...
Having used Primi's foreskin to summon Moshiach, the Jewish messiah, Pat Robe...
Main Cast