The heroes converge to rescue a cherished ally from a sinister secret society...
In this unexpected twist, the monsters take center stage as the heroes, facin...
3. Everyone Dies on a Lightning Train
Aired: Nov 23, 2023In the next episode, a team of fearless mercenaries embark on a perilous miss...
Next episode, four new homeowners face an unexpected challenge when they disc...
Brave adventurers embark on a perilous quest to save the fabled city of Water...
6. Everyone Dies in a Den of Snakes
Aired: Dec 14, 2023Four brave heroes attempt to broker a peace agreement, but their efforts are ...
7. Everyone Dies Stealing a Pickle
Aired: Dec 21, 2023In the next thrilling episode, a group of brave adventurers embark on a peril...
The heroes embark on a perilous quest to a quaint fishing village, only to di...
9. Everyone Dies at the Costume Ball
Aired: Jan 4, 2024A group of covert operatives must identify the mole within their ranks before...
10. Everyone Dies as a Surprise
Aired: Jan 11, 2024A group of unlikely heroes embark on a perilous quest to rescue a stunning pr...
11. Everyone Dies Getting Their Wish
Aired: Jan 18, 2024Next episode: A group of heroes embark on a quest to meet a mysterious entity...
Next episode's thrilling plot follows four brave heroes as they desperately a...
13. Everyone Dies at the Circus
Aired: Feb 1, 2024In the next episode, the heroes embark on a high-stakes mission to infiltrate...
Adventurers driven by vengeance seek out Strahd von Zarovich in the eerie mis...
15. Everyone Dies in a Haunted House
Aired: Feb 15, 2024Brave ghost-hunting heroes venture into a spooky haunted mansion, determined ...
16. Everyone Dies at the Temple of Lathander
Aired: Feb 22, 2024Desperate criminals hatch a daring plan to steal a large amount of gold, but ...
In the next episode, four heroes are tasked with slowing down the formidable ...
18. Everyone Dies in Wildspace
Aired: Mar 7, 2024Intrepid adventurers stumble upon a mysterious, abandoned vessel drifting thr...
19. Everyone Dies at a Resurrection
Aired: Mar 14, 2024In the next episode, a group of desperate family members seek out a mysteriou...
20. Everyone Dies Eating Mushrooms
Aired: Mar 21, 2024Adventurers are suddenly whisked away to a mystical realm plagued by a monstr...
Main Cast
Faster, Purple Worm! Kill! Kill! Videos
Faster, Purple Worm! Kill! Kill! | Official Trailer | D&D Adventures
Info about Faster, Purple Worm! Kill! Kill!
Current Status: Returning Series
Network: Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures
Production Country: United States
Faster, Purple Worm! Kill! Kill!: Where to Watch Online in United States?
Currently you are able to watch "Faster, Purple Worm! Kill! Kill!" for free with ads on Plex, Tubi TV.