First Man Out is an groundbreaking series that revolutionizes the genre with its challenging survival showdowns against some of the world’s top adventurers, bushcraft experts, and survivalists. Each episode pits Ed Stafford, the first man to walk the length of the Amazon River, against the best in the field. In this race across Asia’s most stunning but treacherous landscapes, Ed embarks on a quest to be the very first man to reach the finish line—First Man Out. Ed Stafford has already achieved impressive success with Discovery Channel shows "Marooned" and "Left for Dead," which have tested his resilience and endurance in extreme conditions. This time around, he faces an even greater challenge as he competes not just against competitors but also risks his life, limb, and reputation to prove himself the world’s best survivalist. The stakes are high for Ed, who must navigate treacherous terrain and overcome formidable obstacles to secure his place at the top of the survival game. With a mission so perilous and personal, this series promises an electrifying blend of action, adventure, and ultimate determination from one man's quest to be First Man Out.
A former Marine and expert ropes specialist faces off against adventurer Ed S...