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Drama Queenz

Drama Queenz is a comedic drama series that revolves around three aspiring actors living together in New York City. Over three episodes, it follows their journey as they navigate life, love, and auditions on the competitive theater scene.

Drama Queenz is a comedy series about three actors and roommates navigating life, love, and auditions in New York City. Over three episodes, the film follows their journey as they chase their dreams but face challenges in a quirky and unpredictable environment. Each episode highlights different aspects of their lives: Jeremiah struggles with poor audition luck, Davis excels despite his perfectionism, and Preston navigates real-life experiences with humor and drama. The series captures the essence of acting life through madcap auditions, romantic entanglements, and heartwarming moments, making it a zany rollercoaster ride for viewers. Episodes include: 'I Dreamed a Dream', 'Unexpected Song', and 'Small World'.

Info about Drama Queenz

Seasons: 3
