Double Trouble background

Double Trouble

The sitcom follows the adventures of twins Kate and Allison, played by real-life twins Liz and Jean Segal. Allison is portrayed as the outgoing and serious sister, while Kate is depicted as more carefree and laid-back.

The sitcom follows the mischievous adventures of twins Kate and Allison, played by real-life twins Liz and Jean Segal. Allison is the outgoing and serious one, while Kate is more laid-back and fun-loving.


Episode 2 Lust

2. Lust

Aired: Apr 11, 1984

Kate falls in lust with a boy at the gym and spends more time with him than s...

Episode 3 First Day

3. First Day

Aired: Apr 18, 1984

Kate's school closes down and she must now attend the same school as Allison....

Episode 4 Bad Chemistry

4. Bad Chemistry

Aired: Apr 25, 1984

Kate takes Allison's place in the chemistry lab so Allison can go on a date, ...

Episode 5 Dueling Feet

5. Dueling Feet

Aired: May 2, 1984

The twins enter a dance contest, but Kate sprains her ankle while attempting ...

Episode 6 Separate Birthdays

6. Separate Birthdays

Aired: May 16, 1984

Tired of living in Kate's shadow and sharing a birthday, Allison decides to m...

Episode 7 Heartache

7. Heartache

Aired: May 23, 1984

Allison believes she's found true love with Steven only to find that he is no...

Episode 8 The Bombshell

8. The Bombshell

Aired: May 30, 1984

Kate and Allison try to set Dad up with a friend from Chicago only to find ou...

Info about Double Trouble

Seasons: 2

Current Status: Ended

Network: NBC
