1. Marooned Aired: Nov 28, 2002 A band of marauding Outsiders discovers a lost T-Rex temple and in it an arti...
2. Making Good Aired: Nov 28, 2002 Catrone, the leader of the gang that found the artifact, realizes that he can...
3. Handful of Dust Aired: Dec 5, 2002 Karl and Marion need Le Sage's help to stop Cortez, an Outsider who kills Ste...
4. Contact Aired: Dec 12, 2002 Karl and David find a shipwrecked dog and a boat stocked with cans of cola, b...
5. The Matriarch Aired: Dec 19, 2002 A Chasmosaur egg from the hatchery has been replaced with a T-Rex egg. A dist...
6. The Big Fight Aired: Dec 26, 2002 An Outsider named Alano bullies David, so he plans to fight him. David's dad,...
7. Night of the Wartosa Aired: Jul 27, 2003 Karl's date with Marion doesn't go well. A jolly conservationist named Lok sh...
8. LeSage Aired: Jul 13, 2003 A deadly virus spreads among the dinosaurs and the only cure is a plant calle...
9. Car Wars Aired: Jul 20, 2003 Frank misses cars, so he builds one that runs on methane. It's a hit and ever...
10. Lost and Found Aired: Jul 6, 2003 Karl tries to prove that he can be a skybax rider just like David, only to cr...
11. The Cure: Part 1 Aired: Aug 3, 2003 Karl is bitten by a prehistoric mosquito and falls seriously ill. Since all i...
12. The Cure: Part 2 Aired: Aug 10, 2003 David contacts the American hospital in Budapest, Hungary. Le Sage sells Karl...
13. Crossroads Aired: Aug 17, 2003 David must help his Pteranodon skybax. Karl and Frank prepare for their retur...