In 2045, technology has advanced so much that it benefits humanity immensely. The World Wide Web transforms into a "world for App Monsters" or "Appmons," an artificially intelligent species born within mobile apps. The story revolves around Haru Shinkai, a regular Junior High student who stumbles upon an Appmon in his smartphone and learns Gatchmon's identity as one of the Appmons. Together, they fight against Leviathan, an artificial intelligence creating viruses to turn all Appmons into evil entities. As the series progresses, Haru gains support from Eri Karan, Torajirou Asuka, Rei Katsura, who is searching for her younger brother kidnapped by Leviathan, and Yujin Ozora, each with their own Appmon partner in the battle against Leviathan to restore balance between the two worlds.
1. Search Result: Shinkai Haru! Gatchmon Appears!
Aired: Oct 1, 2016A ordinary first-year middle school student, Shinkai Haru, is surprised when ...