Next episode, Dexter delves into the life of Alex Timmons, a complex individu...
Dexter: Early Cuts
The next show is an animated web series that delves into the backstory and relationships of Dexter, offering a deeper understanding of his character.
The next show is an animated web series that delves into the backstory and relationships of Dexter, offering a deeper understanding of his character.
Next episode, Dexter delves into the life of Alex Timmons, a complex individu...
As Dexter digs deeper into Alex's past, a surprise encounter at the gun range...
3. Alex Timmons: Chapter Three
Aired: Nov 8, 2009In the next episode, Dexter seizes Alex and transports him to a secluded, hea...
Alex, grappling with his own mortality, implores Dexter for compassion, while...
Dexter sets his sights on a new target, Gene Marshall, a wealthy real estate ...
Marshall's criminal actions go unchecked as he takes advantage of his wealth ...
7. Gene Marshall: Chapter Three
Aired: Nov 29, 2009Dexter corners Marshall, revealing his shocking discovery about the victims o...
8. Gene Marshall: Chapter Four
Aired: Dec 6, 2009Dexter's plans are derailed when his sister Deb demands he join her for a swe...
Dexter sets his sights on a new target, a magician's assistant named Cindy La...
The spotlight shines on Cindy as she uncovers the mysteries behind her craft,...
11. Cindy Landon: Chapter Three
Aired: Dec 27, 2009Next episode, Dexter takes a chance and meets a captivating woman named Cindy...
12. Cindy Landon: Chapter Four
Aired: Jan 4, 2010Dexter orchestrates a dramatic magic show with Cindy as the main attraction, ...
Main Cast
Dexter | Early Cuts: Alex Timmons