Chisa Yukizome takes charge as homeroom teacher for the 77th Class at Hope's Peak Academy. Meanwhile, Hajime Hinata, a student from the school's Reserve Course, undergoes an experiment to become Ultimate Hope. The chain of unfortunate events that ensues leads to the emergence of the Remnants of Despair and the catastrophic event known as "The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History."
Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen
Experience the captivating prequel to "Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc" with The Despair side of Danganronpa 3. Witness the pivotal events that establish the foundation for the emergence of the Remnants of Despair and the catastrophic downfall of Hope's Peak, setting the stage for...