Joe Shimamura, a rebellious and spiky-haired half-Japanese teenager, finds himself on an operating table one afternoon with a strange suit that grants him superhuman abilities, including the ability to move faster than the human eye. After escaping from the laboratory, he discovers he is part of a series of cyborg weapons designed against their will by Black Ghost, a terrorist group seeking power and wealth through illegal weaponry sold worldwide. The protagonist, Cyborg 009, embarks on a journey with nine other cyborg rebels to stop Black Ghost's sinister plans while dealing with the alienation brought about by their new identities. Based on Ishinomori's unfinished classic manga, this story follows the adventures of these warriors in a thrilling cyberpunk world.
Info about Cyborg 009: The Cyborg Soldier
Current Status: Ended
Network: TV Tokyo
Production Country: Japan
Genres:Comedy, Drama, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Animation, Fantasy, Action
Cyborg 009: The Cyborg Soldier: Where to Watch Online in United States?
Currently you are able to watch "Cyborg 009: The Cyborg Soldier" for free with ads on Pluto TV, Amazon Freevee.