Cold Blood background

Cold Blood

The true-crime documentary series explores the shocking case of Brian Wicklow, a convicted murderer who committed a gruesome killing spree that earned him notoriety in Britain. Despite being imprisoned, Wicklow's infamy only grows as he faces hostility from fellow inmates and intense scrutin...

Brian Wicklow, a notorious British murderer, is imprisoned after a series of gruesome killings that left a lasting impact. Despite being reviled by the press and his fellow inmates, Wicklow's infamy is amplified by the fact that the detectives investigating his crimes have yet to find the body of his last victim.


Episode 1 Cold Blood

1. Cold Blood

Aired: Oct 19, 2005

DS Eve Granger goes in search for answers as to the whereabouts of a young gi...

Episode 2 Cold Blood 2

2. Cold Blood 2

Aired: Mar 5, 2007

DS Eve Granger finds herself back on the trail of serial killer Brian Wicklow...

Episode 3 The Last Hurrah

3. The Last Hurrah

Aired: Jun 20, 2007

DS Granger comes face to face with Brian Wicklow once more when a young boy n...

Episode 4 Dead And Buried

4. Dead And Buried

Aired: Jun 27, 2007

DS Granger's relationship with Jake Osbourne is threatened when she investiga...

Episode 5 The Last Hurrah

5. The Last Hurrah

Aired: Jan 3, 2008

DS Granger comes face to face with Brian Wicklow once more when a young boy n...

Info about Cold Blood

Current Status: Ended

Network: ITV1

Production Country: United Kingdom
