Despite the skepticism of their friends and family, Clark and Michael are con...
Clark and Michael
Two aspiring producers, Cera and Duke, are convinced they have a hit TV show idea, but their enthusiasm outpaces their actual progress.
Two aspiring producers, Cera and Duke, are convinced they have a hit TV show idea, but their enthusiasm outpaces their actual progress.
Despite the skepticism of their friends and family, Clark and Michael are con...
Clark and Michael get rejected by their first company and decide to join a he...
Clark and Michael visit their agent and he has as much trouble keeping their ...
Clark is upset that one of his scripts was stolen and made into a TV show. Mi...
Mike and Clark go to a party to try and make connections for their show.
Michael and Clark spend the day searching for office space with a pushy realt...
Clark and Michael take Nate, his wife Susan, and friend Bruce out to dinner a...
Clark lays down the law at a deli after his luncheon meat is ruined. Afterwar...
9. There is Only One Highlander
Aired: Jul 18, 2007Clark is busy at meeting so Michael does his laundry for him. The next day th...
Clark starts to lose hope that the show will get picked up and begins applyin...
Main Cast