A struggling culinary student discovers a promising new opportunity after his...
The next episode of the series will introduce a perplexing plot twist as a Cy...
3. The City Where the Beast Howls
Aired: Apr 20, 2004Kyouhei's job woes deepen as the girls receive a new mission: to capture Wong...
A chaotic scene unfolds as a rogue freight train and a rampaging mutant creat...
5. The Mansion Where an Evil Spirit Squirms
Aired: May 4, 2004A brilliant detective goes undercover at an exclusive all-girls academy to un...
6. Wash the Flower Garden in Blood!
Aired: May 11, 2004Meg investigates strange occurrences at an elite prep school, with Jo providi...
A colossal avian predator targets innocent young girls, with Meg becoming its...
As they navigate the bustling streets, Jo and Kyo find themselves pursued by ...
The next episode promises a thrilling experience as Meg, Amy, and Sei attend ...
10. The Cyberbrain on the Extra Land
Aired: May 8, 2004Amy's digital life is shattered when someone hacks into her computer, leading...
11. Eastern Angel, Western Hawk
Aired: Jun 15, 2004The next episode features Jo taking on a high-stakes mission to safeguard a r...
Jo faces off against a formidable opponent in the form of a skilled and elite...
13. Decisive Battle! Naniwa's Gang of Young Toughs
Aired: Jun 29, 2004Osaka is trapped in chaos as Iriki's cruel rule tightens its grip, forcing Ta...
A young Meg navigates the harsh reality of living on the streets alongside th...
15. Ocean, Swimsuit, and a Huge Aquatic Beast
Aired: Jul 13, 2004A summer day at a revolutionary oceanic water park turns into a nightmare as ...
16. The Mysterious World of the Demon Fighter
Aired: Jul 20, 2004Meg and Jo are tasked with apprehending a ruthless murderer, but Jo's investi...
A mysterious village is plagued by a malevolent demon, unleashing chaos and d...
An old school acquaintance unexpectedly turns into a deadly pursuit for Kyo, ...
The girls must band together to rescue Takane after she's kidnapped from the ...
A rogue cybernetic police unit takes over the highways, causing chaos and des...
21. Bullets in the Iron Gravestone
Aired: Aug 24, 2004A devastating terrorist attack shakes the city, leaving its residents in a st...
The revelation of Jo's true nature sends shockwaves, upending everything. A m...
23. Execution Ground on the Red Ocean
Aired: Sep 14, 2004The city of Tokyo falls under the grip of RAPT, with the entire news media in...
Meg and Jo find themselves stranded on a beach after being washed up from the...
Main Cast
Info about Burst Angel
Current Status: Ended
Network: tv asahi
Production Country: Japan
Burst Angel: Where to Watch Online in United States?
Currently you are able to watch "Burst Angel" for free with ads on Crunchyroll. It is also possible to rent or buy on AppleTV, Windows Store, Amazon online.