Buford and the Galloping Ghost background

Buford and the Galloping Ghost

Buford and the Galloping Ghost is an American Saturday morning animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions that aired on NBC from February 3, 1979 to September 1, 1979. The series consisted of two 15-minute segments: The Buford Files and The Galloping Ghost. These segments originally ai...

A television series made up of two separate episodes: "The Buford Files" is centered in the Fenokee Swamp and features twin siblings Cindy Mae and Woody Boggs investigating mysteries with their bloodhound Buford's keen senses aiding them. However, Buford frequently howls at the moon to alert any potential adversaries. "The Galloping Ghost" takes place in the Western United States, where ghostly Nugget Nose guides two cowgirls, Wendy and Rita, on an invisible horse while protecting them from their boss Fenwick Fuddy.

Info about Buford and the Galloping Ghost

Network: NBC

Genres:Comedy, Family, Animation