Boule et Bill background

Boule et Bill

Boule et Bill is a beloved Belgian comic book series featuring two childhood friends: Boule (a seven-year-old boy) and his furry companion, Bill. This classic series has been running since 1959 and continues to captivate readers with its engaging stories of adventure.

An adaptation of the beloved Belgian comic book series "Boule et Bill," created by Jean Roba and Maurice Rosy, first published in 1959. The series follows the adventures of young Boule, his lovable dog Bill, and their everyday life. Boule's father works as an advertising executive, while his mother is a homemaker. "Boule et Bill" provides a charming depiction of this endearing family dynamics.

Info about Boule et Bill

Current Status: Ended

Network: Télétoon

Genres:Family, Animation