An animated adaptation of "Treasures of the Snow" (1950),a novel by Patricia St. John, set in the Swiss mountain village of Rossinière in Vaud. The story follows Annette Burnier, a nerdy girl who becomes the sole caregiver for her younger brother Dani after their mother's death during childbirth. Lucien Morel, a classmate who struggles academically and is resentful towards Annette's success, accidentally throws her into a snow ditch, causing her to be ostracized by her classmates. As she grapples with guilt over hurting her sibling, Lucien tries to mend his relationship with Annette but finds that the girl deeply resents and distrusts him.
Arupusu monogatari watashi no Annetto
Annette, a little Swiss girl, experiences difficulties in her close friendship with Lucien after he is falsely accused of harming her brother.