Andy embarks on a thrilling adventure through time, where he has a face-to-fa...
Andy's Dinosaur Adventures
While at work, Andy discovers an ancient portal leading back to the Jurassic era.
While at work, Andy discovers an ancient portal leading back to the Jurassic era.
Andy embarks on a thrilling adventure through time, where he has a face-to-fa...
Andy embarks on a prehistoric quest, traveling 152 million years back in time...
Andy embarks on a 106-million-year journey to ancient Australia, where he's o...
4. Eustreptospondylus and Ammonite
Aired: Feb 20, 2014Andy journeys 149 million years into the past to the era of ammonites, a type...
Andy travels back in time to 127 million years ago to find blue feathers belo...
Andy journeys 65 million years into the past to the era of triceratops, a her...
Andy journeys 220 million years into the past, arriving in an era where dog-l...
Andy journeys back 127 million years to the era of iguanodon, a herbivorous d...
Andy travels back 220 million years to the time of coelophysis, an early dino...
10. Ornithocheirus and Sand Dollar
Aired: Feb 28, 2014Andy embarks on a thrilling adventure 127 million years back in time to the e...
Andy journeys 145 million years back in time to the era of Allosaurus, a form...
Andy journeys 220 million years back in time to the era of Placerias, a massi...
13. Muttaburrasaurus and Berries
Aired: Mar 5, 2014Andy travels back 106 million years to the time of the Muttaburrasaurus, a 9-...
14. Brachiosaurus and Monkey Puzzle
Aired: Mar 6, 2014Andy journeys back 150 million years to the age of the brachiosaurus, a 26-me...
Andy journeys 65 million years back to North America, where he finds himself ...
Andy travels back 150 million years to North America, where he encounters the...
Andy embarks on a 152-million-year journey to the age of diplodocus, where he...
Andy journeys back 220 million years to the age of the postosuchus, a massive...
Andy travels back in time to the era of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, his favorite d...
Andy travels 145 million years back to the time of allosaurus, a massive meat...
Main Cast
Current Status: Returning Series
Network: CBeebies
Production Country: United Kingdom