Akazukin Chacha, or Red Hood Chacha, by Ayahana Min, is loosely based on Little Red Riding Hood. The main characters include: Chacha, a little red-hooded girl who is an incompetent magic user; Riiya, a werewolf boy and Chacha's best friend; and Shiine, a magic-using boy who wants Chacha. The stories revolve around the adventures of these three characters, with their love triangle being on a smaller scale. Chacha can also transform into a magical fighting girl for some reason...
Akazukin Chacha
Akazukin Chacha, or Red Hood Chacha, by Ayahana Min, loosely (extremely loosely) based on Little Red Riding Hood. The main characters include: Chacha, a little red-hooded girl who is an incompetent magic user; Riiya, a werewolf boy and...