A weekly live studio show where viewers can interact with K-Pop stars through video chat sessions on Google Hangout, sending in tweets and sharing comments on Facebook. Show begins with MCs recap highlights from previous week's show, introducing current week's guest star(s). 5 audience members will be selected to join the show. The show has four main segments: [1] "All That Album" featuring guest stars promoting their latest album; [2] "Still My No. 1" showcasing talent through missions, chats and interactions with fans; [3] "Live Tweet" allowing guests to answer fan questions submitted via Twitter; [4] "Call Me Maybe" showcasing fan submissions and one selected as the winner of a special prize. The show concludes with all participants taking a group photo together with MCs.
After School Club
A bi-weekly live streaming event featuring interactive Q&A sessions between celebrities and fans via Google Hangouts, where viewers can send tweets and leave comments on Facebook during the show. The program kicks off with celebrity hosts summarizing recent performances or news updates before...