A Little Princess Sara background

A Little Princess Sara

Anime adaptation of "A Little Princess," a 1905 children's novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, follows the story of Sara Crewe as she arrives in London to attend Miss Minchin's boarding school for young ladies. Despite an unfortunate incident that causes Miss Minchin to become u...

Anime adaptation of 'A Little Princess', a 1905 children's novel by E. Nesbit. Sara Crewe arrives in London with her wealthy father for Miss Minchin's boarding school, but her happy life is disrupted when her father dies unexpectedly on her birthday. Despite financial difficulties, she remains content and finds support from Lavinia and friends at the seminary. With their help and determination, she overcomes adversity to maintain her integrity.


Episode 1 Minchin joshi gakuin

1. Minchin joshi gakuin

Aired: Jan 5, 1985

Sarah arrives at a prestigious boarding school in London, accompanied by her ...

Episode 2 Emily ningyou

2. Emily ningyou

Aired: Jan 12, 1985

Sarah asks her father to bring her a doll, which she names Emily, as she prep...

Episode 3 Hajimete no jugyou

3. Hajimete no jugyou

Aired: Jan 19, 1985

Sarah begins her new life, free from her father's influence, and is the cente...

Episode 4 Shinyuu Ermengarde

4. Shinyuu Ermengarde

Aired: Jan 26, 1985

Sarah stands up for little Ermengarde when she's being bullied by her classma...

Episode 5 Nakimushi Lottie

5. Nakimushi Lottie

Aired: Feb 2, 1985

The next episode follows Lottie, the youngest student at the seminary, as she...

Episode 6 Haikaburi Becky

6. Haikaburi Becky

Aired: Feb 9, 1985

Becky, a young woman from the countryside, joins the seminary as a maid, only...

Episode 7 Daihyou seito

7. Daihyou seito

Aired: Feb 16, 1985

Miss Minchin tasks Sarah with leading the students on their walk to church in...

Episode 8 Shinsetsu no ojousama

8. Shinsetsu no ojousama

Aired: Feb 23, 1985

As Becky collapses from exhaustion while tidying Sarah's room, she's unexpect...

Episode 9 Indo kara no tegami

9. Indo kara no tegami

Aired: Mar 2, 1985

Sarah organizes a tea party in her room to bring everyone together and resolv...

Episode 10 Futatsu no purezento

10. Futatsu no purezento

Aired: Mar 9, 1985

Miss Minchin's excitement reaches new heights as she reveals that Sarah's fat...

Episode 13 Tsurai shigoto no hi

13. Tsurai shigoto no hi

Aired: Mar 30, 1985

Sarah clutches Emily tightly, overcome with emotion, as the dimly lit attic r...

Episode 14 A Nightly Visitor

14. A Nightly Visitor

Aired: Apr 6, 1985

Sara's new circumstances slowly alter her demeanor, causing her to become inc...

Episode 15 Mochi ko no Pita

15. Mochi ko no Pita

Aired: Apr 13, 1985

Next episode, Sarah's mission to the market takes an unexpected turn when she...

Episode 16 Rottei no bôken

16. Rottei no bôken

Aired: Apr 20, 1985

Sarah's isolation is briefly lifted when Lottie visits her in the attic, and ...

Episode 22 Yaneura no pâti

22. Yaneura no pâti

Aired: Jun 2, 1985

Three friends, Ermengarde, Lottie, and Becky, sneak up to Sarah's attic room ...

Episode 24 Emiri no unmei

24. Emiri no unmei

Aired: Jun 16, 1985

Lavinia sets her heart on Sarah's beloved doll, Emily, as a birthday gift, fo...

Episode 29 Bekki no satogaeri

29. Bekki no satogaeri

Aired: Jul 21, 1985

Becky's mother is taken aback by her sudden appearance, initially fearing the...

Episode 33 Shingakki no ijiwaru

33. Shingakki no ijiwaru

Aired: Aug 25, 1985

As the new semester commences, Sarah and Becky work tirelessly to get the sem...

Episode 35 Kie sônainochi

35. Kie sônainochi

Aired: Sep 22, 1985

Sarah lies bedridden, struggling to shake off a high fever. Conceding defeat,...

Episode 36 Mahô nohajimari

36. Mahô nohajimari

Aired: Sep 29, 1985

Mr. Carrisford requests Ram Dass's assistance to investigate the welfare of t...

Episode 37 Yaneura wa daikonran

37. Yaneura wa daikonran

Aired: Oct 6, 1985

As Sarah and Becky grow more comfortable in the attic, Peter's concern for Sa...

Episode 38 Kowasa reta mahô

38. Kowasa reta mahô

Aired: Oct 13, 1985

Sarah and Becky appear to be thriving despite meager rations, while Miss Minc...

Episode 44 Oo, kono-koda!

44. Oo, kono-koda!

Aired: Dec 14, 1985

The search for Ralph's daughter in Paris yields no results, prompting Mr. Car...

Episode 46 Mata au nichi made

46. Mata au nichi made

Aired: Dec 28, 1985

Sarah's philanthropic spirit shines as she makes a substantial donation to th...

Info about A Little Princess Sara

Current Status: Ended

Network: Fuji TV

Production Country: Japan

Genres:Drama, Family, Animation, History