"3030 Series: A REVRY Original - Modern Day Lesbian Roommates in Las Vegas" Zola Carter moves back to Las Vegas after her divorce from her 7-year-old wife. The show follows the lives of Zola's best friends, Tyler and Jamie, as they navigate modern-day Las Vegas life together. The majority of the show takes place in Zola's home, with occasional visits to cafes, landmarks, and other nightspots. Loosely based on real-life events, the series explores the themes of friendship, love, and self-discovery among two lifelong platonic lesbians.
30 30
Series Overview: The 3030 Series is a REVRY Original series that follows the lives of two platonic lesbian roommates living in modern-day Las Vegas. Coined as "Adult Disneyland," Zola Carter returns after her divorce from her wife to start a new chapter of her life.