In 1950s Bavaria, a young girl named Maria's life takes a drastic turn when she discovers a dead woman's body. As a murder investigation unfolds, two men - Dr. Robert Hoelzlein and American Captain John Welles - find themselves entangled in a web of mystery and attraction towards Maria. However, their focus is soon diverted as more women are found dead, and UFO sightings spread fear and mistrust among the villagers. The situation takes a terrifying turn when Captain Welles discovers a dead alien, leading Dr. Hoelzlein to a chilling conclusion. As the connection between the corpses and UFOs becomes clear, the scientist realizes too late that the aliens have risen from their tombs, threatening humanity's survival. Can Robert and John put aside their rivalry to join forces and defeat the alien-zombie menace?
Zombies from Outer Space
In 1950s Bavaria, a young girl's life takes a drastic turn when she stumbles upon a mysterious woman's body, prompting an investigation led by a local scientist and an American captain.