The next movie features a thrilling lineup of wrestling matches, including a WWF Title showdown between Steve Austin and The Rock, as well as a WWF Intercontinental Title match between The Godfather and Goldust. The Boiler Room Brawl sees Mankind take on The Big Show, while the WWF Hardcore Title is on the line in a match between Hardcore Holly and Al Snow. Other notable matches include The Undertaker vs. Ken Shamrock, The Acolytes & Mideon vs. The Brood, Triple H vs. X-Pac, and The New Age Outlaws vs. Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett.
WWF Backlash
The next movie is a thrilling wrestling event featuring a WWF Title match between Steve Austin and The Rock, as well as a WWF Intercontinental Title match between The Godfather and Goldust. The main card also includes a Boiler Room Brawl between Mankind and The Big Show, a WWF Hardcore Title matc...