After the death of his parents, young Siji Martin finds himself displaced to his Aunty Iyabo's home as a "houseboy" in Lagos, Nigeria. Siji struggles to fit in with his peers at his new school who refer to him as "garbage". Luckily, he befriends comical classmate Claxton and develops his first crush on the ever-studious Tiwa. Fast forward to the present. Determined to rise above his impoverished status, adult Siji opts to navigate the upper-class business world in Nigeria. In the process of corporate climbing, he gets engaged to Zola, a rich socialite from a very powerful and connected family. Shortly after Siji's engagement, Tiwa returns to Lagos for a trip after living her adult life in Oakland, California, United States. The two reunite and feel the sparks of an unrequited love, almost two decades old. Siji must now face his strong feelings for Tiwa and decide which is more important to him, true love or wealth and power.
Twin Flame
Siji Martin, a destitute but determined young man, opts to navigate the upper-class world in Nigeria by getting engaged to a wealthy heiress. When his true love from his past arrives from the USA, he must decide what is more important.