In the unassuming town of Small Wells, where ordinary life is the norm, the local newspaper is the hub of excitement. Mark Jansen, the newspaper's owner, is thrilled by even the slightest scoop. Little does he know, the town's wish well has a peculiar power - it only grants wishes when made with the right intention. When Mark's daughter makes a wish, it unexpectedly brings in Cynthia Tamerline, a renowned magazine editor from New York. She becomes an apprentice at the paper, just as Mark is on the verge of selling out to a powerful press syndicate in Chicago.
The Wishing Well
A driven journalist ventures to a quaint town to chronicle its storied wishing well, only to produce a lackluster piece, believing it to be a mere myth. However, in a moment of whimsy, she inserts a coin and makes a lighthearted wish for happiness, and surprisingly, her fortunes begin to shift.