The life story of a famous race horse is told through a narrator in a semi-documentary style, with some creative liberties taken. The film begins with the horse's early days, showcasing its wobbly legs and subsequent training and preparation for a trial run. However, the horse bolts at the starting gate, causing its jockey to fall and injuring him. The horse is sold from one stable to another before being reunited with its original owner, Tom Trent, and his daughter Jean, who never lost faith in the horse. With renewed determination, the horse undergoes more rigorous training, facing numerous setbacks and failures before getting a second chance at the prestigious Santa Anita racetrack on its third birthday.
The Winner's Circle
The epic journey of a legendary race horse, chronicled through a unique blend of documentary-style storytelling and creative liberties, taking viewers from the horse's early days as a wobbly-legged colt to its rigorous training and eventual triumph.