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The Thicket

In West Texas, a young boy forms an unlikely alliance with skilled bounty hunter Reginald Jones to rescue his abducted sister from the clutches of the infamous Cut Throat Bill. Joining forces with a diverse band of misfits, they embark on a daring quest to reunite the family and defeat the mercil...

When the determined bounty hunter Reginald Jones (played by Peter Dinklage) is hired to hunt down the notorious killer Cutthroat Bill (portrayed by Juliette Lewis), he assembles a team of unconventional allies, including a former slave skilled in grave-digging and a savvy female mercenary. Their mission to capture Cutthroat Bill takes them on a dangerous journey through the treacherous territory known as The Thicket.

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Info about The Thicket

Studio(s): Tubi, Estuary Films

Originally Released: United States, Sep 05, 2024

Production Countries: Canada, United States

Genres:Crime, Drama, Western

The Thicket: Where to Watch Online in United States?

It is also possible to rent or buy on Spectrum On Demand online.