The Proud Princess, a black-and-white fairy tale by Bozena Nemcová, has become a beloved classic in Czech cinema. This animated remake follows the story of Princess Krasomila, who is trapped in a golden cage due to her pride and the influence of her deceitful advisers. When she meets Miroslav, the righteous king of a neighboring kingdom, her life takes a dramatic turn. Disguised as a gardener, Miroslav helps Krasomila overcome her pride and they embark on a journey filled with adventure and love. In a grand finale, Krasomila learns the true identity of her companion and chooses to marry him, leading to the downfall of her advisers and a happy ending where love conquers all.
The Proud Princess
The Proud Princess, a beloved black-and-white fairytale movie, is considered a timeless classic in Czech cinema. Adapted from Bozena Nemcová's captivating story of hubris and consequences, this film has garnered a loyal following and is renowned as one of the top-grossing Czech live-action m...