In the small town of Gunsight, notorious outlaw Pecos is hired to run off a group of troublemakers, but he's accidentally killed by a rival outlaw before he can arrive. The mayor mistakes a stranger, Johnny Macklin, for Pecos and appoints him sheriff. Johnny must navigate the complex web of corruption and deceit in the town, all while dealing with the town's feisty rancher, Judy Hartley, who's wary of the mayor's motives. As Johnny works to clean up the town, he faces off against the outlaw gang and eventually wins the trust of the townspeople, including Judy, who comes to see him in a new light.
The Law Comes to Gunsight
Notorious two-gun killer Pecos is hired by Mayor Jim Blaine to run out of town a group of outlaws led by Brad Foster, who has stopped paying the mayor his share of the profits from his gambling establishment.