A group of college friends, including Do Hyun, struggle to recall their childhood memories. Their lives take an unexpected turn when they meet Jin Ho, who has been haunted by a tragic accident that claimed his parents' lives as a child. As they form a bond with Jin Ho, Do Hyun becomes fascinated with hypnosis therapy, which Jin Ho uses to cope with his trauma. After attempting hypnosis, Do Hyun and his friends start experiencing bizarre occurrences, and they begin to uncover repressed memories of Seung Min, a friend from their childhood who had passed away. But who is behind their hypnosis, and why are they being forced to confront their forgotten past?
The Hypnosis
A young boy named Jin-ho is left traumatized after losing his parents in an accident. To cope with his emotional pain, he undergoes hypnosis therapy. Meanwhile, a college student named Do-hyun becomes fascinated by Jin-ho's experience and decides to try hypnosis for himself.