The movie "The Guarantee" tells the story of the night in 2008 when the Irish government guaranteed its entire domestic banking system, a decision that would cost over EUR60 billion and become the most expensive bank rescue in history. The film charts the events leading up to this decision, from the peak of Ireland's economic boom to the beginning of the bust. It is a drama that explores the hubris of the Irish establishment, who ignored warning signs and failed to regulate the property market and economy, leading to the country's economic collapse. The story is told through the perspectives of key figures, including the Taoiseach, Minister for Finance, Central Banker, and heads of major banks, as well as an external viewpoint from a Hedge Fund Manager in London.
The Guarantee
The film "The Guarantee" chronicles the events surrounding the Irish government's dramatic decision to guarantee the country's entire domestic banking system on September 29, 2008.