Survivor Series background

Survivor Series

The next WWE movie features a thrilling lineup of matches, including a WWF Title showdown between Shawn Michaels and Sycho Sid, as well as a trio of intense battles: The Undertaker taking on Mankind, Bret Hart facing off against Steve Austin, and a massive tag team match pitting Flash Funk, Yokoz...

The next WWF movie features a thrilling lineup of matches, including Shawn Michaels taking on Sycho Sid for the WWF Title, and The Undertaker facing off against Mankind in a intense battle. Additionally, Bret Hart clashes with Steve Austin, while a 14-man tag team match pits Flash Funk, Yokozuna, Jimmy Snuka, and Savio Vega against Razor Ramon II, Diesel II, Farooq, Mark Mero, Jake Roberts, Rocky Maivia, and Barry Windham.

Main Cast

Survivor Series Videos

Survivor Series 1996 Free-For-All Pre-Show

Survivor Series 1996 Free-For-All Pre-Show

Info about Survivor Series

Studio(s): World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)

Originally Released: United States, Nov 17, 1996

Production Country: United States

Genres:Action, Sport