Matilda Wormwood, a bright and imaginative young girl, finds herself at odds with her neglectful and cruel parents. She finds solace in her beloved books and begins to concoct her own fantastical stories. When she meets her kind and inspiring teacher, Miss Honey, Matilda's creativity flourishes. However, her new school, Crunchem Hall, is led by the intimidating and ruthless Miss Trunchbull, who rules with an iron fist. With the help of her newfound friends and supportive teachers, Matilda finds the courage to stand up for what is right and challenge Trunchbull's tyranny.
Roald Dahl's Matilda the Musical
The film is a musical adaptation that follows the extraordinary journey of Matilda, a young girl with a sharp mind and vivid imagination who takes a stand to change her fate, resulting in miraculous outcomes.