Red Canopy background

Red Canopy

In a remote village, a notorious forest looms, shrouded in mystery and terror, with anyone who dares to enter meeting a deadly fate. A cocky, skilled martial artist, driven by ambition to win the UK Martial Arts Championship, is dispatched to this isolated community by his Sensei for a final trai...

In a small, reclusive village, a mysterious forest looms, shrouded in fear and death. The villagers dare not venture near, and those who do are met with a fatal outcome. A confident and arrogant martial artist, driven to compete in a prestigious UK tournament, is sent to the village by his Sensei for a final day of training. However, the forest has a way of humbling the martial artist, forcing him to confront his limitations and uncover secrets about his Sensei's past that will shake his very foundations.

Info about Red Canopy

Studio(s): Sunomo Pictures

Originally Released: United States, Mar 01, 2006

Production Country: United Kingdom

Genres:Horror, Thriller