Ramta Jogi background

Ramta Jogi

Intense drama unfolds in Punjab as Jogi, a humble protagonist from a lower-class background, falls for Meet, a young woman from a wealthy family, played by Rahul Dev and Ronica Singh respectively.

In this intense Punjabi film, Jogi, a young man from a humble background, falls in love with Meet, a girl from a wealthy family. Despite traditional norms, Meet initiates the romance, and the couple's love story unfolds. However, their families disapprove, leading the young lovers to take charge and navigate their relationship amidst challenges in Mumbai. As circumstances spiral out of control, the story culminates in an unprecedented emotional climax that redefines the Punjabi cinema experience.

Ramta Jogi Videos

Ramta jogi Punjabi Movie Promotional Tour

Ramta jogi Punjabi Movie Promotional Tour

Ramta Jogi | Official Trailer | Deep Sidhu | Ronica Singh | Rahul Dev | Releasing 14th August.

Ramta Jogi | Official Trailer | Deep Sidhu | Ronica Singh | Rahul Dev | Releasing 14th August.

Info about Ramta Jogi

Studio(s): Vijayta Films, I`MPossible Films

Originally Released: United States, Aug 14, 2015

Production Country: India

Box Office Gross: $38,000.00
