The hilarious highlight of John Boorman's Hope and Glory (1987), nominated for five Oscars: nine-year-old Bill Rohan rejoices in the destruction of his school by an errant Luftwaffe bomb. This movie picks up the story nearly a decade later as Bill (Boorman's alter-ego) (Callum Turner) begins basic training in the early 1950s, during the Korean War. Bill is joined by a trouble-making Army mate Percy (Caleb Landry Jones). They never get near South Korea, but engage in a constant battle of wits with the Catch-22-worthy Sergeant Major Bradley (David Thewlis). Richard E. Grant is their superior, the very infinitely put-upon, aptly-named, Major Cross.
Queen & Country
In this sequel to Hope and Glory (1987), Bill Rohan has grown up and is drafted into the army, where he and his eccentric best mate, Percy, battle their snooty superiors on the base and look for love in town.