In the face of Queen Bansheera's destructive plans, the Power Rangers receive an unexpected alliance from Diabolico, a former henchman, who joins forces with the heroes. However, this unexpected turn of events only fuels Queen Bansheea's fury, and she unleashes a series of giant monsters from her generals to wreak havoc on the city. With the next eclipse on the horizon, Queen Bansheea vows to release the world's demons, plunging the world into darkness and evil. Can the Power Rangers find a way to escape the damaged Aquabase and ultimately emerge victorious?
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue: The Queen's Wrath
The Power Rangers face off against Queen Bansheera, a ruthless villain determined to annihilate them. But when Diabolico, her loyal henchman, unexpectedly teams up with the heroes, Bansheera's anger knows no bounds, and she unleashes a catastrophic plan to destroy the city.