"Pennies" follows the gripping tale of Charlotte Brown (portrayed by Amy Adams),a dedicated waitress and single mother determined to secure her daughter Jenny's safety at any cost. When faced with a threatening ultimatum and a tight deadline, Charlotte must rally her restaurant patrons to help her raise the necessary funds in a race against time. As the clock ticks down, viewers witness Charlotte's unwavering resolve and unwavering determination as she navigates through a series of quirky encounters with her customers. Through her relatable vulnerability and unwavering strength, Charlotte showcases her resilience and determination to overcome obstacles and reunite with her beloved daughter. Don't miss the heart-pounding drama as Charlotte fights against the odds to save the day in "Pennies."
"Pennies" follows the journey of Charlotte Brown (portrayed by Amy Adams),a devoted waitress and single mother who stops at nothing to protect her daughter Jenny. When faced with a threatening caller and a ticking clock, Charlotte must make difficult decisions to ensure her family'...