Gracie Otto embarks on a heartfelt journey to create an authentic family portrait in the form of a feature length documentary on her father, Barry Otto, a legendary figure in Australian theatre, film, and television with over 50 years of experience. Affectionately known as Baz, he is a unique and charming individual who effortlessly blends creativity with eccentricity. Through this film, Gracie explores her bond with her father during the twilight of his career and life, capturing his treasured memories before they fade away. This unconventional biopic offers a personal and artistic insight into Baz's world, touching on themes of health decline and the beauty of living passionately. It is a cinematic homage that celebrates his legacy and keeps his spirit alive for generations to come.
Otto by Otto
Gracie Otto's heartfelt family portrait documentary chronicles the illustrious career of her father, Barry Otto, a revered icon in Australian entertainment for more than 50 years.