Operation Resist background

Operation Resist

In a gripping tale of courage and defiance, Miriam emerges unbroken from a harrowing home invasion by brutal fascists and joins forces with a covert branch of the Resistance. As they collaborate on a daring escape plan, the group faces danger head-on, fueled by their unwavering commitment to free...

During the reign of the Nazis, a Jewish girl named Miriam survives a home invasion by Nazi soldiers. Miriam finds allies among a secret branch of the Resistance, and together, they work fearlessly on a courageous escape plan. This intense family-friendly action movie pays tribute to the courageous resistance community who risked their lives during the Holocaust era to protect the lives of the innocent.

Info about Operation Resist

Studio(s): Ethos Movies

Originally Released: United States, Apr 19, 2019

Budget: $50.00

Genres:Action, Drama